Tuesday, October 26, 2010

f*ck fixer-uppers

Driving along country roads I used to see old buildings (houses, barns, what have you) and I'd think, "Wouldn't it be cool to fix that place up?"

Then a couple of years ago I met C and started helping her fix up her place. Now, if you're the sort of person who has a ton of money and will write checks to contractors and watch as other people do the fixing up, cool.

However, should you live with slightly more modest means and be the one who is doing the fixing-up, you are looking at years of sweat equity. And no matter how finely honed your DIY skills are you are going to sink a serious chunk of change into home improvements.

Shacks and old barns and houses that have been neglected for many years look cool in photos. "Before" and "After" scenarios can give one a sense of accomplishment. Or you can join me in abandoning the romantic notion of fixing up a much-neglected house and just go ahead and treat yourself to a house that's been well-cared for. In the mountains. Near a lake. Or a river. Or by the shore. Whatever suits your fancy.

After visiting Lake Arrowhead I've decided I'm down for something like the "cabin" pictured above.

It ain't off the grid but that's just another one of my romantic notions. Funny thing is -- my off-the-grid cabin just might come into being one of these days...

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