Monday, February 8, 2010

Taking a leave of asbsence

Hi folks.

It's time for me to take a break from blogging so I can pursue a couple of projects that demand a lot of my time.

Before bidding you all adieu, I'll blab a bit about myself. (Isn't that what blogs are for?)

Over the last 4 years I've had 3 blogs. Keeping a blog was really nothing more than my attempt to write frequently in an effort to retain my ability to write at all. And the reason I write at all is because I think no one is listening to me. This view stems from the years of living in a really horrible household while I was being raised by my parents. No one would ever listen to me so I started writing (sometime in grammar school) and kept writing through high school and when I turned 20 I started to write short stories. By the time I graduated to writing short stories I had become consumed with a burning need to write. I used to write all the time and when I wasn't writing I was thinking about writing. Then somewhere in my mid-20s I decided to stop writing. Then in my late 20s I picked it up again and I found that I was a better writer. Then in my late 30s I gave up creative writing (the last short story was finished right before I underwent a life saving surgery). About a year or so after the surgery I started blogging.

Right now I'm undergoing a spiritual shift and I feel it best to put the writing on the back burner and delve deeper into this new stage of personal development. I get rather feverish around personal growth and I've always been this way. I'm never happy to dabble and even if I tend to plunge headlong into activities that might not interest anyone else on earth, I figure, "it's my life and I'm going to live it as I damn well please. " So the writing's just got to be ignored for a bit.

For the past 2 months I've been vegetarian. For the upcoming 4 months I plan to fast from sugar and alcohol. These fasts are meant to allow me to push myself further in terms of meditation and visualization. I feel great after giving up meat. I have a feeling that laying off the sugar -- while it might be a bit disconcerting in the short term -- will pay off huge dividends in the long run. And there's nothing wrong with dividends.

I want to thank everyone who's sent comments and emails remarking on the blog/s. A few people seemed to get something out of reading the blog and while I'm not trying to create any gaps in people's blogging diets, I've just got to head into the unknown. Lately I'm in search of Beyond the Beyond. (As you can imagine, that's pretty far out there.)

I hope that you will keep the following in mind:

1. Life is short, choose wisely
2. Be as kind to yourself and others as possible
3. Believe in yourself (and after you get your head and your heart in tip-top shape) then you should REALLY believe in yourself.

Be good.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

quantum foam. it's out there. use it.

Yes. I'm up and blogging at 6:35 am, EST. I probably should've been writing earlier, around 3:44 when I was awakened by a strange dream. Instead I remained in bed until 5:15 when I realized there was no hope of falling back asleep and got up.

A couple of days ago I mentioned that I was into "the unexplained." Later I realized that I was into "that which cannot be explained," and then found myself going in search of an explanation, which is nothing more than a really old, bad habit of mine. I guess I'm a little cranky with the idea that science can't explain ESP and that people want to prove it doesn't exist. That would be -- they want to apply a null theory. Perhaps ESP isn't meant to be explained.

I do, however, have my own pet theory as to how ESP works. There is something called quantum foam and I only started thinking about quantum foam a couple of years ago. What I like about quantum foam is it helped me to understand telepathy. If you are the sort of person who thinks that things you can't see don't exist, then please stop reading this post and go do something really tangible and rational and useful, like clean your refrigerator. If you're the sort of person who thinks there are a lot of things beyond what the human mind can perceive and even many many things that go well beyond the scope of human intelligence, then perhaps what I've got to say might be of interest.

The way I see it: quantum foam is the basis for life and consciousness. Quantum foam is that substance through which consciousness is conducted.

And the reason this explains telepathy? If there is a sub-atomic/microscopic substance, then thoughts (which are electrical impulses (or vibrations) created by the mind and body working together) can be projected or conveyed through this Foam. If there are 2 people who are telepathically linked, then Person 1 sends info to a target/Person 2. For this to work Person 2 has to want to or be open to receiving the information, but once that arrangement has been established, then Person 1 thinks something and Person 2 receives the message. The agent which connected the two, the transportation for the thoughts, was the quantum foam.

For instance when my brother and I were really little kids we used to wake up on Sunday mornings, very very early. I would usually wake up first and I would wait until my brother woke up and sent me a little message, saying "I'm awake. Let's play." Once I got his message I would walk quietly down the hall and then we would talk in whispers until our parents woke up. We had to be extremely quiet so as not to disturb our sleeping parents.

I also think that we had a strong telepathic link because we share dna so it means there are particles in our bodies which are so similar that it makes it easier to communicate this way.

I prefer telepathy to text messaging. No monthly bill.

Telepathy and psi and remote viewing and clear audio and clairvoyance are all made possible via quantum foam.

And I think that intercessory prayer and reiki are two other examples of smart loving people putting the quantum foam to work. If I pray, which I see as charging particles with love and sending/attracting like energy, then I am once again interacting with the Foam. I like intercessory prayer and tonglen because I see it as away for me to disengage my ego and connect with my higher self, which is the selfless self, and then maybe some real love or something good actually happens.

Also, while I like Pema Chodron a lot I find her description of tonglen to be a bit wordy. I'd put it more simply: inhale bad, exhale good.

Usually when I'm awake during the small hours of the morning (3 -- 6) and I can't sleep, I spend a good bit of time practicing tonglen. I figure staring at the ceiling doesn't get me very far and never helps me to fall back asleep. And I hate being up doing "nothing" so I like to inhale the bad, exhale the good. In particular, after the earthquake hit Haiti, I really stepped up my tonglen practice.