Thursday, March 24, 2011


I freely admit that on March 14th I had no idea what a waterbar was.

And if C hadn't received an email from the Commonwealth asking her to install a water bar to prevent erosion on a recently harvested tract of land, I might never have known what one was, much less have found myself creating the darn thing.

As we all know there's Google and the internet and as soon as I heard that a waterbar was needed two things happened. First I groaned, "More work?" Second, I Googled "waterbar" and the first hit was a pdf file explaining what a waterbar is, how to construct one, etc. Next thing I knew I was looking forward to heading to the land and getting to work. (Yup. The ditch digger in me is alive and well.)

Sadly my life is so freaking out of balance that I tore into building the waterbar with all the enthusiam I can't seem to drum up for sitting at a desk. I would say I overdid it but it felt great and what's a few sore muscles? Nothing a soak in a hot bath can't fix.

When the bar was done I felt renewed. I know that I'm not meant to be a Parks Ranger but I've spent so much time in the built environment this past winter (the office and the apartment) that my body is craving the outdoors and being more physically active.

Luckily warmer weather is around the corner. And there will be flower and vegetable gardens to tend.  And I just might have to be content with that for the next few months.

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