Monday, January 18, 2010

Feeling a bit rusty

Since I moved back to New York City I've been living in the land of fiction. That is to say I've been working on fiction but I might as well be living a fictitious life, and a boring one at that, since all I can seem to do is: go to work (to pay the bills), move the car on Mondays and Thursdays (to conserve money), and go home and write (to feed the soul). Not bad all-in-all but kind of dull.

I've got a wicked case of cabin fever and if I could jet off to the Caribbean I would. And I just read that people aren't supposed to just hop on a plane and go to Haiti to volunteer to help. So I don't feel so bad about going to the Caribbean and not volunteering, although if they needed my help I'd be willing to head out and help on a day's notice. I've been following (as best as one can) what's been going on in Haiti via the New York Times and I've got to say it's kicked me into a whole nuther level of gratitude.

My dreams have been all kinds of intense lately. I meant to blog a month or so ago about a workshop I took with John J. Oliver. Suffice to say, the dude changed my life. For the better so no regrets. The workshop was called Psychic Self Defense. The reason I took the workshop is that I've been dogged by some nasty spirits for many years and I'd just about had it and needed to find a constructive approach to solving this weird-ass problem. John was a champ. If you ever watch Haunting Evidence he seems kind of serious and aloof. In person, he's quite generous and kind and has an odd sense of humor. While I was in the workshop it occurred to me that John is a vegetarian. I also kind of figured he didn't do any drugs. Aside from the practical skills we were taught, I was impressed by the man himself and felt I ought to model myself after him.

So. Now I'm a vegetarian but I say, "I'm a fucking vegetarian," because right now it's the dead of winter and I don't want to have to figure out how to be a vegetarian. But as I've got to eat then I've got to figure this out. I've been doing that although I'm none to happy with my diet right now and plan to get much smarter around this in the months to come.

Then there was the issue of doing drugs. Well. I decided not to do anymore. I'm a huge fan of opiates, mainly because my head is always traveling at the speed of light and I just want to chill the fuck out. So no more opiates.

Needless to say cutting meat and opiates out of my diet changed my head and my heart. My dreams which appear to be a product of my head and my heart, were soon to follow suit.

I usually have at least one extremely intense dream per night and then 2 or 3 fluffy dreams. By fluffy I mean that they aren't as intense as the master dream.

One night, about 2 weeks ago, I had a dream which featured myself and two of my strongest dream companions, my brother and an ex-lover. I was with these two people and an orb of energy entered the dream and knocked me on my butt and then hit the ex-lover. While I hopped to my feet and went to seek out the source of the orb, I looked out the window and noticed an article about angels lying in a snow bank.

When I woke up I started to research, on-line, about angels. It appears that they've been trying to get my attention for some time and I was just too busy being a lunkhead.

This is one of the better websites out there explaining who (?) or perhaps what angels are and how they function. Angels.

I'm stoked to know that angels are surrounding us at all times and not only that, they're here to help and if I ask the right questions, they'll give me the right answers. This is absolutely brilliant.

I'm off to Anahata next weekend. I'm fairly sure I'll find the place knee deep in snow. Not to worry it'll all melt by April. This Friday I'm meeting a man about buying his used bee keeping equipment. And in a couple months time I'll be planting Paw Paw trees. They're hardy to zone 5. Who knew? I can't wait to take a chomp out of one of these.

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