Tuesday, December 6, 2011

No good deed goes unpunished (especially if you’re clocked doing 70 in a 55 mile per hour zone)

Late Friday I learned that someone was needed to get dressed in the Bad Kitty costume for an event at Books of Wonder on Sunday afternoon. I leapt at the chance. Seriously. Being dressed as Bad Kitty is the closest I come to being treated like a rock star. And kids are so much cooler than adults in this type of setting. It won’t be long until they decide to follow the pattern of their parents and become jaded New Yorkers. In the meantime, there is room for fun and joy. And picture books!

Unless I wanted to get up while it was still dark and drive the speed limit from the country to the city (something I have yet to do on both counts), I had to hold steady at 70 m.p.h. (which is something I can do in my sleep) and I’d get to the city in time to grab a snack and suit up. Thirty miles from the city I was surprised to look in my rearview mirror and see a motorcycle cop with his lights flashing. I pulled into the right lane and so did he. This is when I started laughing. I was getting pulled over. I had no idea how fast I'd been driving but I figured people got pulled over for going 80 or 90. And I was doing neither. Was this about something as pedestrian as 70?
I was all smiles and chatted affably with the officer.

“Why were you going so fast?” he asked.
“Bad habit, good mood, and I’m in a rush." I replied
“Where are you headed?”
“New York City.”

I asked, “Just out of curiosity, how fast was I going?”
He answered, “All of 70 when you flew by me like I was standing still.”

He headed to his bike with my license and registration.

I kept chuckling as I straightened up the interior of my car. I was about to get fined in the neighborhood of $150.00 on a lovely Sunday morning as I headed into the city to be Bad Kitty. (I’m sure Bad Kitty, when she becomes a teenager will be joyriding. I know I did my fair share of that as a teen.) There was nothing to do in this situation but laugh and I’ll try to keep that in mind when I get points on my license and my insurance goes up.

“And how was it being Bad Kitty?” you ask.

It was the star turn it always is. No pain -- all gain.

Midway through the reading of A Bad Kitty Christmas, Nick Bruel announced, “The part of the grandmother will be read by singer and actress Vanessa Williams.” (Say wha?) And Nick held the microphone up to his Mac computer and sure enough, via mp3, Vanessa Williams read Granny.
And Thank G*d that one of my dear Aunts always hits me up with a C-note at Christmas time so at least I’ve got the fine for the traffic violation covered.

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